TLÜ LIFE Project
Web Expert completed the new website and information system of the Tallinn University LIFE course, where projects are added, joined and managed. The new web has been developed for the Drupal 8 platform.

ELU, or Interdisciplinary Innovation, is a subject of Tallinn University, within the framework of which students and supervisors of different disciplines carry out interdisciplinary projects on a topic of interest to them. It is a compulsory subject and now the university's study organization is smoother and more practical due to the user-friendly, logical and self-managed system.
Web Expert has completed both a new website and an information system where projects can be added, joined and managed. The new web has been developed for the Drupal 8 CMS platform, with roles with different access rights that can be used to access the portal as needed (e.g. students, supervisors, lecturers, specialists of academic affairs, etc.).
In the analysis phase, we corrected the previous document: how to adapt the already completed analysis to the capabilities of Drupal 8.
By the end of the phase, the architecture and prototype views of the entire system were completed.
In the analysis phase, we corrected the previous document: how to adapt the already completed analysis to the capabilities of Drupal 8. By the end of the phase, the architecture and prototype views of the entire system were completed.
The design elements are based on a style book, and the emphasis in web design has been on youthfulness and more informal design compared to TU's own official page. The focus of ease of use (UX) is on the projects - finding them, the descriptions and the team of the respective project.
The new website has been developed for the Drupal 8 content management platform. Drupal logics have been used to the maximum (adding tables, slides, images, forms; user login, etc.), but there are also many special solutions:
- It is possible to extract semester projects, participation rates, number of students who have passed the subject as statistics (also as files)
- Registration and group generation are subject to certain rules (eg only a certain number of students in each field can participate)
- The project application form is voluminous, complete and with the possibility to add information in parallel in two languages - this input creates a central part of the web.
The new web is interfaced with the TU Learning Information System (SIS). The ELU system asks ÕIS whether a student has the right to declare a subject, sends feedback on the credits to the corresponding student's curriculum, etc. In addition, there is an interface based on LDAP for logging in to the TU intranet.
Different user roles have been assigned to manage the content - for example, depending on the rights and access, the administrator can only enter content; the administrator can also change Drupal modules and all settings; the student can only join the project if he or she has the right to do so; the professor can upload the study materials. Standard templates have been created for the entire administration, but there is also flexibility without the help of a developer - the administrator can make exceptions for each project.
At the end of the project, the project report / result is uploaded to the environment, where it is publicly available in order to make it available to those interested in ELU projects.